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  Hardman Family Removal Order, 1741 : Removal order of Mary Hardman, wife of James Hardman, and her daughter Elizabeth, from Manchester to Little Lever, 1741. LRO QSP/1494/24

To the Church-Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Manchester in the said County to remove and ...... and to the ..... of Little Lever in the said County  to receive and proved for there

WHEREAS Complaint has been made unto Us, Two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace and Quorum, in and for the said County of Lancaster, by the Church-Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of Manchester aforesaid that Mary wife of James Hardman and Elizabeth their Child, poor persons, cam lately to dwell, and do now reside in Manchester aforesaid, endeavouring to gain a Settlment there, having not any ways qualified themselves so to do, according to Law, and that they are poor and likely to become chargeable to the Inhabitants of Manchester aforesaid and that their last legal settlement is in Little Lever aforesd.

We therefore, His Majestys said Justices, upon Examination thereof upon Oath do judge the said Complaint to be true, and that the said Mary wife of James Hardman and Elizabeth their Child are poor and likely to become Chargeable to the Inhabitants of Manchester aforesaid

And that their last legal Settlement is in Little Lever aforesaid and do hereby, in His Majestys Name, require and order you, the said Church-Wardens and overseers of the Poor of Manchester aforesaid, to remove and convey, or cause the said Mary wife of the said James Hardman and Elizabeth their Child to be forthwith removed and conveyed out of Manchester aforesaid, to Little Lever aforesaid, and them deliver to the Church-Wardens or Overseers of the Poor thereof, or one of them, together with this Order, or a Copy thereof, who are hereby required and commanded to receive and provide for them according to Law; herein fail not at you Perils.

Given underout Hands and Seals this Eleventh day of July 1741
James Chetham
Rob: Booth

July 13th 1791, John Mills, overseer of Little Leaver delivered Mary Hardman one Child

Mary wife to James Hardman with Eliz. their Daughter to Little Lever, 1741

Other notes:

Baptisms at Bolton:-

  • Elizabeth d. James Hardman Carpetr. of Mary his w: L.L. 7 (Nov 1739)
  • Jane D. of Ja: Hardman Soldie. of Mary his w: of L.L. 25 (Jan 1741)

I'm not exactly sure what James' occupation says - probably soldier:-

Jane Hardman baptism

If these are all the same family, then presumably Jane must have died in infancy because she is not mentioned in the removal order on the 11th July 1741.  The occupation of soldier might also explain why James is not  removed from Manchester to Little Lever - he may have been away.

Marriage at Bolton:

  • John Tong of this Parish Weaver and Elizabeth Hardman of this parish spinster, Married in this Church by Banns this 4 Day of February in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty by me ? Whitehead.  This Marriage was solmnized between Us: John Tonge(e) X Elizabeth Hardman, In the Presence of John Wood, Jas. Livesey
Burial at Ainsworth:
  • Elizabeth Tongue of Darcy Lever, aged 65 years, died 31st 1804 and was buried Jan 3rd 1805 at Cockey Dissenting Chapel