Hope Hey in Little Hulton: Deeds 1628 - 1788

Salford Archives Ref: BW/T/9/5

Indenture of Four Parts, dated 26th June 1783, parties:-
  1. Ann Burgess of Dunham Massey in the County of Chester, spinster
  2. Henry Tonge of Little Hulton, yeoman (eldest son and heir at law of William Tonge late of Little Hulton, yeoman, his late father deceased who died intestate and was the eldest son heir at law also Devisee named in the Last Will and Testament of Henry Tonge of Little Hulton, yeoman deceased
  3. Martha Tonge of Little Hulton aforesaid widow, relict of the said William Tonge
  4. Jonathan Dorning of Little Wardley within Worsley, yeoman

Three pages - selected notes only reproduced here, relating to Hopehey estate, containing 19 acres of land, plus two closes of ground lately enclosed from Walkden Moor, which were allotted to William Tonge, deceased. 6th/7th February 1778 between William Tonge and Elizabeth Johnson of Altrincham in the County of Chester, widow. £300 paid by EJ to WT. 1782 - indenture tripartite (1) Elizabeth Johnson (then of Manchester), (2) Henry Tonge (3) Ann Burgess. Default was made on the payment of the £300 and the interest thereof. William Tonge having lately departed this life intestate.

THE SCHEDULE to which the above written Indenture refers, to wit-

[1628] - INDENTURE of feoffment Tripartite dated 16th December 4 Chas I made between Sir Ralph Asheton Baronet and Ralph Asheton of the first part, Henry Tonge of the second part and Richard Bullough of the third part being a Conveyance from the said Sir Ralph Asheton and Ralph Asheton Esquire to the said Henry Tonge and Richard Bullough their heirs and Assignes for ever of divers Lands in Little Hulton and as to certain parts thereof To the Use of said Henry Tonge his heirs and assigns for ever

Executed by Sir Ralph Asheton and Ralph Asheton Esquire and Livery of Seizin indorsed

[1695] - ARTICLES of Agreement dated the first day of April in the Year of our Lord One thousand six hundred and ninety five made between Ellen Seddon Widow and Martha Seddon her Daughter of the one part and William Tonge (Great Grandson of the said Henry Tonge) of the other part being articles made previous to the marriage of the said William Tonge with the said Martha Seddon

Executed by William Tonge

[1696] INDENTURES of Lease and Released dated the first and second days of September One thousand six hundred and ninety six severally made between the said William Tonge of the one part and Robert Gartside and Richard Edge of the other part being a Settlement of the Hope Hey Estate pursuant to the above scheduled Articles of Agreement whereby the said Estate was Settled to the said William Tonge for Life with Remainder to the Heirs Male of his Body by the said Martha According to Seniority with Divers other Remainders over

Severally Executed by William Tonge

[1703] INDENTURES of Lease and Release dated the seventeenth and eighteenth day of March One thousand seven hundred and three the latter being made between William Tonge of the first part, Edward Moody of the second part and Thomas Kenyon of the third part being deeds to make tenants to the preceipe for suffering a Recovery with Double voucher of the said Estate and Premises where in the said Thomas Kenyon was demandant the said Edward Moody tenant and the said William Tonge vouchee. The uses whereof are declared to be and ?mure to the same uses &c. in the said last before scheduled Indenture of Release

The lease executed by William Tonge and the Release by all the parties

By a Recital in the said Release dated it appears that doubts had arisen concerning William Tonge's power to make the before scheduled Settlement by reason of some Ancient and Dormant Estate Tail of the Promises which was the occasion of Suffering this Recovery

TRANSCRIPT of the said Recovery suffered at Lancaster on the Twenty third day of March in the third year of Queen Ann

[1727] Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date the fourth and fifth days of October One thousand seven hundred and twenty seven the Release made between the said William Tonge and Martha his wife and Henry Tonge Son and Heir Apparent of the said William and Martha of the first part, Ralph Banks and Richard Edge of the second part, James Chetham Esquire and Adam Mort Gentleman of the third part and Margaret Middleton Widow of the fourth part being deed to make tenant to the precipe for suffering a Recovery with Double voucher of the said Estate and premises wherein the said James Chetham and Adam Mort were Demandants the said Ralph Banks and Richard Edge Tenants and the said William Tonge Martha his Wife and Henry Tonge Vouchees The Uses whereof are declared after the decease of the said William Tonge and Martha his wife and after the decease of Mary Tonge wife of said Henry Tonge to the said Henry Tonge in fee power for Henry to charge the premises with One hundred pounds.

The Lease Executed by William Tonge and Henry Tonge and the Release by all parties

TRANSCRIPT of said Recovery suffered at Lancaster on the sixth day of April in the first Year of King George the Second.

[1731] THE said William Tonge's Will dated the nineteenth day of September One thousand seven hundred and thirty one whereby he bequeathed the money he had liberty to charge his Estate with unto his Son Henry

Executed by Testator in presence of three witnesses

[1763] COPY and PROBATE of said Henry Tonge's will dated the fourth day of February One thousand seven hundred and sixty three whereby he devised the said Estate unto his son William Tonge his Heirs and Assigns for ever chargeable with Two hundred pounds to Alice Tonge and Martha Gordon two of said Testators Daughters

The Original Executed by the Testator in presence of three witnesses

[1788] DEED POLL dated the twenty ninth day of January One thousand seven hundred and seventy eight being a Release from William Gordon and Martha his wife and Thomas Liptrot and Alice his wife to said William Tonge of the said Charge of Two hundred pounds